3 research outputs found

    Remote Virtual Workplaces in the Pandemic: The Case of IT-enabled Service Leadership

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    While remote virtual workplaces have been studied, including those in IT leadership, the coronavirus pandemic has created an urgent need to address these work-fromhome and work-from-anywhere approaches in greater detail and nuance. While the pandemic completely changed the functioning of the world, causing social damage and dislodging traditional business models, one of its aftereffects was the proliferation of remote working and the long-term view taken by organizations towards virtual workplaces. As remote working becomes a norm rather than the exception, the business, economic, and social values of this type of workplace model and its strategic alignment to the needs and expectations of various stakeholders requires close examination. This paper attempts to discuss the leadership amid crisis and IT-enabled innovation, by taking the case of an IT-business process management company, GenNext. The paper discusses how the use of digitally powered remote workplaces could be used to build resilient business models and competitive strategy

    Work-From-Home vs. Work-At-Home: A Strategic Conundrum in the Digital Age

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    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is changing business models across countries and industries. Although IT-enabled services effectively deployed short-term work-from-home (WFH) solutions to facilitate commerce and omnichannel communication during the pandemic, many are now exploring the viability of a long-term work-at-home (WAH) approach. This short-term vs long-term arrangement for work in the age of digitization represents a strategic conundrum. Using an illustrative case of a real-world contact center GenNext (real name withheld), we discuss a potential approach to address this strategic conundrum based on the Evaporating Cloud (EC). The paper discusses how such an approach enabled GenNext to formulate and analyze the conundrum systematically and develop effective innovative solutions. The paper concludes with implications for the future of work in the digital age